I just read the Analysis on the Alabama Race which has been dedicated as Tier III by your site. I will offer my own analysis as to why that is incorrect and hope to encourage readers and bloggers to take note and possibly even donate a little pocket change.
First of all there are several reasons why this race should be more closely examined
1. There have been a lot of campaign activities since March 27, contrary to what the report read. There have been fundraisers and grassroots events all over the State. Perhaps the main reason that there has not been more notice is that Vivian Figures has been involved in the state legislative sessions much of the past few months. Furthermore, Senator Figures has received a lot of attention for her sponsorship of a bill to ban smoking in most public places. This is a very important health issue and extremely popular with citizens over the state.
2. Sessions voted against the GI Bill.
As a article from the Tuscaloosa News said today, “In doing so, Sessions, who is up for reelection this year just may have handed his likely opponent, state Sen. Vivian Figures, D-Mobile, a campaign issue on a silver platter.
Bush and his die hard congressional supporters contend that passage of the bill would hurt retention of troops by giving them incentives to leave the military earlier than otherwise, since they currently don’t qualify for educational benefits until longer stints in the military.
Proponents say it is just the opposite — by promising tuition aid after only three years, more patriotic young men and women would be more likely to enlist since they could realize their dreams of attending college sooner than is now the case. Such enlistments would more than make up for those who leave service “early” under the new benefit package, both the Congressional Budget Office and the supporters of the bill say.
Veterans benefits are becoming very important nationwide and especially the South.
3. There has been a lot of movement in Southern races as evidenced by the special election races. This will be further helped by Obama increasing turnout as well as rising gas prices and a troubled economy.

Anything is possible. Sessions isn’t exactly uber-popular. We shall see.
How exactly is she supposed to win?
She has been campaigning in the major cities over the last few weeks as well as hitting Tuscaloosa and other spots.
Ron Sparks is not running, he decided not to run. So let’s get behind her.
From the Tuscaloosa News yesterday
Sessions 62
Figures 29